The deadline for contribution submission has been extended until March 31st!

Good News! The deadline for contribution submission has been extended until March 31st!

Following people’s calls and requests, the deadline for the #NewEcoSocialWorld #PeoplesSummit has been extended. This is your opportunity to speak up, to say what kind of world you want to live in, to help shape our future, a sustainable and social world. Read more about the different ways to submit contributions here 

The people’s summit invites you to share and advance your ideas and contributions to shape the Global Values Declaration for a new eco-social world. Individuals and community representatives, people of lived experiences, global organisations, students, health, social, education and economic professions, environmental campaigners, trade unions, policymakers, civil rights champions, spiritual and religious networks, and government leaders.

The summit provides spaces for engagement and global conversation across cultures, diverse lived experiences, professional groups, and perspectives. We invite you to contribute to the conversation in a variety of ways, including sharing your professional or cultural practices, academic experiences or indigenous knowledge. Your proposals will contribute to setting a shared of values that can help us co-build a new eco-social world.

The summit will run 24 hours for four days, June 2 – July 29. All contributions accepted will be recorded in advance and uploaded to the summit platform. Participants will have the possibility to interact with the presenters, ask questions and make comments throughout the summit, via the summit platform.
