The people´s summit is a unique opportunity for journalists and communication specialists to access sources of news and inspirational story ideas that will shape future global principles and values.
The Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind people’s summit will be held on 29th June – 2nd July. Journalists covering the summit will collect research and knowledge from individuals and communities, people of lived experiences, politicians, professionals, leaders of social-justice movements, and environmentalists who will develop new visions and global principles that provide trust, sustainability and solidarity.
The initial partners include young people in The Global Student Forum, a global organisation of 183 student unions from 118 countries; The World Federation of Public Health Associations, the global body for the public health associations; Power Us, an international network of people that use social services; The International Pharmaceutical Federation, the global body representing pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutical education, comprising 146 national organisations; The International Council on Social Welfare, comprising 112 members and 65 countries; the social work profession and education, comprising 5 million professionals in 146 National Associations of Social Work and social work education globally, The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) comprising 736 research and postgraduate centres in the field of social sciences and humanities in 51 countries and global networks of people with lived experience
Are you a journalist or communication specialist interested in attending and covering the Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind people’s summit? Please request communication partnerships status