Click here to join LIVE. 1 July, 08.00 UTC:
Live Panel chaired by PowerUS
Social work practice and education is governed and regulated according to each country’s professional standards and requirements. PowerUs is committed to promoting participatory learning in all contexts and we are concerned that new public management approaches to governance and regulation lead to tick box outcomes which overlook the opportunities for meaningful learning and knowledge exchange . In our live panel we aim to explore how liberatory approaches can promote dialogue and mend gaps between all involved in social work. We are keen to gather an international picture of these issues. Examples will be welcomed and shared. For example, Bini Araia will discuss how gaps have been mended within the asylum seeker community he supports yet much more remains to be done within the local authority to be pro-active not reactive to the way that services and practice are regulated. We look forward to having a lively discussion on this important topic.
- Bini Araia Director at The Other Perspective CIC (UK)
- Peter Beresford founding partner of PowerUs (UK)
- Jenny Wetterling (PowerUs Sweden)
- Simona Karbouniaris (PowerUs Netherlands)
- Susan Levy (PowerUS Scotland).
- Elinor Dowson (PowerUs Scotland)
- Facilitators: Helen Casey, international co-ordinator of PowerUs (UK) and Cecilia Heule, international co-ordinator of PowerUs(Sweden)