Click here to join LIVE. 29 June, 12.30 UTC:
Live Panel facilitated by the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development – UNRISD
New eco-social contracts are emerging through the commitments and actions of different actors and movements that are addressing current crises and intersectional inequalities. Acknowledging that inequalities are rooted in historical injustices, particularly for Indigenous Peoples, minorities and vulnerable social groups, is a first step to assemble, pursue and consolidate new visions of a new world for everyone, leaving no one behind.
With the purpose of building solidarity between different actors and movements, UNRISD and GEC have launched a new global research and action network for an eco-social contract in November 2021. The network brings together research, practice, advocacy and policy decision-making communities working for social, climate and environmental justice in a progressive knowledge and action alliance.
The mission of the network is to broaden understanding around the idea of new eco-social contract; define its terms, including a just transition to climate resilient, green and fair economies; and identify the actions required of stakeholders at multiple levels to ensure its implementation entails climate and environmental justice, racial justice, respect for human rights, decent work, gender equality, intergenerational justice, the rights of the natural world, and biological and cultural diversity.
This live panel seeks to mobilize research and action into the rethinking of new integrated policies which address not only the current climate crisis but also the historical injustices and structural drivers that have perpetuated horizontal and vertical inequalities across the globe.
- Isabell Kempf, UNRISD: The network and integrated policies and action
- Najma Mohamed, GEC: New eco-social contracts in the making: What role for Green New Deals?
- Olivier De Schutter, Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights: How a Global Fund for Social Protection can support a new eco-social contract
- Tolullah Oni, UrbanBetter: Participatory processes for a new eco-social contract in urban areas
- Facilitator: Katja Hujo, UNRISD
- Support for Q&A : Maggie Carter, UNRISD