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Mobilizing Research and Action for a New Eco-social Contract
New eco-social contracts are emerging through the commitments and actions of different actors and movements that are addressing current crises and intersectional inequalities. Acknowledging that inequalities are rooted in historical injustices, particularly for Indigenous Peoples, minorities and vulnerable social groups, is a first step to assemble, pursue and consolidate new visions of a new world for everyone, leaving no one behind.
This keynote session seeks to mobilize research and action into the rethinking of new integrated policies which address not only the current climate crisis but also the historical injustices that have perpetuated horizontal and vertical inequalities across the globe.
This keynote session will feature Tarcila Rivera, founder of the International Indigenous Women’s Forum, on historical injustices and the need for a new eco-social contract. Tarcila Rivera has been interviewed beforehand, and the video portrays her perspectives as an Indigenous woman on topics such as inequity and poverty; climate and gender justice; main historical injustices; and Indigenous visions for new eco-social contracts.
The keynote video also includes a brief presentation of the global research and action network and short video interventions from different organizations on why they decided to join the network.
✦ Tarcila Rivera is one of founders of the International Indigenous Women’s Forum, on historical injustices and the need for a new eco-social contract. She is a Quechua activist from Ayacucho, Peru. She has dedicated more than 30 years of her life to defend and seek recognition of the indigenous cultures and peoples of Peru. She has participated in international forums, including Nairobi, Cairo, Beijing and Durban, and the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. In 2011 she was recognized by the Ford Foundation as a global leader and the following year appointed to UN Women’s Global Civil Society Advisory Group. She has been elected as expert member of the
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2017-2019). She is the Vice President of CHIRAPAQ Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú and the Executive President of the International Indigenous Women’s Forum.